Wednesday, 17 January 2007Guest 3322 :: Being found guilty doesn't mean he had wrongful representation. Guest 3322 :: Just because you don't like the verdict doesn't mean it's wrong. Guest 3322 :: If you are doing a school project, you need to conduct legitimate research, not asking perfect strangers in chat rooms what they think. Guest 1913 :: The death penalty maybe ok to a sence but can you just imagine someone being put to death and later finding out they are innocent for instance have you ever seen the movie David Gayle it was based on a true story and what he did was just prove a point you should really watch it then give an opion on the death penalty Sunday, 28 January 2007Guest 7750 :: america the land of the free, right; & the wrongfully convicted someone forgot to add. Ray Peters :: i was wrongfully convicted for a manslaughter charge due to someone(a drug dealer) tampering with a drug users cocaine. Although the rug user was one of my customers and i did used to sell drugs he did not recieve the drugs from me. I spent 5 years in prison, although a cocaine trafficking violation is only 3 months, due to wrongful conviction. Thursday, 22 March 2007Guest 1173 :: COSTS: High Number of Capital Cases Will Cost Arizona County Millions of Dollars Guest 1173 :: Maricopa County, Arizona, has more pending death penalty cases than Los Angeles County, which has more than twice as many residents, and more than the so-called "death penalty capital" of Harris County, Texas. There are more than 130 cases in trial or awaiting trial, and its four indigent defense agencies say that they have run out of attorneys to handle the cases. Strained by the record number of cases, Judge James Keppel gave prosecutors, defense attorneys, and county officials five days to cr Guest 1173 :: create a plan to provide defense attorneys for at least a dozen clients facing capital charges. Guest 1173 :: Peter Ozanne, the assistant county manager who oversees the public defender system, stated that if the citizens decide they really want this many death cases "there will be more resources needed in the future." Ozanne said the solution to Maricopa County's death penalty problems could cost taxpayers millions of dollars. County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox added, "We realize we are probably going to have to allocate more money. We are trying to make sure, that as these cases move forward, we are t Guest 1173 :: trying to make sure, that as these cases move forward, we are treating both sides fairly." Guest 2145 :: The group created a seven-page proposal designed to address the shortage for the next 60 days. Though the plan included proposals to monitor death penalty cases more closely and review salaries, it offered few details about funding the changes or how the county will pay for specialists such as investigators and mitigation experts. Guest 2145 :: The county now pays $8.5 million to defend capital cases. Recently elected County Attorney Andrew Thomas stated that "there is no need for this office to evaluate its policy." Thomas seeks death sentences in nearly half of all first-degree murder cases. His predecessors pursued capital convictions in about 30% of eligible cases. Guest 2145 :: (Arizona Republic, March 8, 2007). Guest 2009 :: wow, imagine how we could be spending all that money. education, healthcare, crime prevention... Saturday, 24 March 2007Guest 2562 :: hola Tuesday, 27 March 2007Guest 4107 :: what about the death?? Guest 4107 :: do anyone in here know where i can find the range og punishment? WTC :: answer please Guest 1249 :: I don't understand your question. can you rephrase it? Wednesday, 28 March 2007Guest 1668 :: hello? Sunday, 01 April 2007Guest 5111 :: Are there Canadian cases here? Guest 5111 :: Robert Stewart was a life long resident of Ottawa, Ontario Canada until his arrest in December of 1990 along with 3 other men for First degree Murder. Robert Stewart along with 3 other co-accused were framed for First degree murder in the shooting deaths of a pregnant Cumberland, Ontario woman And her husband Michel Giroux. The 4 accused, Robert Stewart and Richard Mallory, Rick Trudel & James Sauve were eventually sentenced to life in prison without eligibility of Parole for 25 years, while Ric Guest 5111 :: while Richard Mallory received live with eligibility in 15 years. It was Canada's lengthiest and costliest trial. Costing taxpayers over 30 Million dollars. The convictions were based solely on fabricated stories from Jail house snitches and one primary informant "Dennis Geaudrault" a known low level criminal who had been guilty of multiple offenses including perjury and breaking into Prime Minister Joe Clarks house. Dennis Geaudrault signed a deal with the Ontario Provincial Police for $3000.00 Guest 5111 :: $3000.00 per month to back up the fabricated claims of the 4 mens involvements in the murder. The accused were involved in the Ottawa, Eastern Ontario drug trade and made easy targets for the informants eager to make a deal, and police who were looking for an easy way to close the case to this horrific crime rather then relying on old fashioned police work, or science.The police, crown and defense lawyers involved to save incredible embarrassment conspired to have these charges stick, along with Guest 5111 :: along with the convictions despite overwhelming evidence that all 4 men had nothing to do with the deceased while alive, nor committed or possibly could have committed these murders. All 4 men are out of prison released in 2007 and will be suing the authorities for what is expected to be a landslide amount of money. No money can re-pay the accused for the time lost and destroyed lives, and moreover the victims of this disgusting crime Guest 1479 :: Consequently the authorities refusal to admit the errors, and subsequent conspiracies will force these men to clear there names independently or collectively as the charges were stayed. While these men were incarcerated for 16 plus years, the killer or killers of these two people got away with a crime that will likely remain unsolved. Robert Stewart, the most outspoken of the 4 people, like the other co-accused are living a law abiding lifestyle, all the while they will fight to the end to bring Guest 1479 :: Wednesday, 11 April 2007Guest 1575 :: Please visit this site. Guest 1575 :: Guest 1575 :: I would appreciate any help you can give to promote this site ... God bless. Saturday, 28 April 2007Guest 1604 :: hello everybody. i am a student from Denmark that make a projekt about death panalty. I think it's unacceptable that some people is being.. i will say murdert of something they haven't done! But I don't like death penalty at all ! but I like to ask.. are there someone who know, how they today found out about the person is guilty or unguilty ? please answer.. Denmark Sunday, 06 May 2007Guest 1364 :: I am an advocate for Martin Tankleff (see for details of a travesty of justice) who I know was wrongfully convicted of murdering his parents in 1988 in Suffolk County, NY. I am a retired State Police Investigator who put many guilty people in prison for which I do not apolgize. However, anyone examing the facts about Marty's case by visiting his website will realize that his wrongful conviction was more egregious than most. Monday, 07 May 2007Guest 1554 :: I am doing a debate in my senior class in the death penalty... i am completly against it and i was wondering if any one could point be in the right directioni am looking for some video clips becasue i know that will catch my audiences attention Guest 1811 :: hi, i am in 10th grade, i am doing a standard assignment for my honors english class that requires me to, choose which is the greater injustice, an innocent person getting convicted or a guilty person going unpunished. Any thoughts? Wednesday, 16 May 2007Guest 1657 :: Excuse me does anyone know about someone being wrongfully convicted and then killed? Thursday, 19 July 2007Guest 7456 :: my son is accused of commiting a robbery, he has been in jail since june 1. He was home at the time. shoeprints don't match, fingerprint doesn't match but the witness says its him. any advice Guest 7456 :: they wan't to send him to jail for 21 years for something he didn't do. Guest 7456 :: he's 22 yrs old Guest 7456 :: Guest 7456 :: Friday, 17 August 200704:00Guest 1954 :: My name is Robert Stewart. Feb. 27, 2007 I was let out after 16 years in jail. I had to wait 9 years to get to an unfair trial. I had to defend myself at the Ontario Court of Appeal because my lawyer James Lockyer who a member of AIDWYC a group started by hurricane Carter hung up on me when I told him I have evidence that the OPP knowingly framed us four for these murders. Lawyers do not get innocent people our to jail. Evidence does. DNA is has nothing to do with lawyers. The evidence that clea 17:00Guest 6492 :: My name is Shawna. I am looking for anyone who can help me find someone to help my fiance who was wrongfully convicted of 2nd degree murder 14 years ago. I have found several pieces of evidence that absolutely do not coincide with the testimony of the DA's star witness. I have obtained medical reports that indicate the time of injury that resulted in death was during a time when several people testified that my fiance was NOT at the home. Guest 6492 :: I also have the 911 call that was made by my fiance and his then girlfriend which was made 4 minutes after another phone call by his then best friend (also the DA"s star witness) to a mutual friend statingthat he needed a ride to the hospital and giving specifics as to ehy, although he had not been to the home since very early that morning and testified that he had not spoken to either my fiance or his girlfriend prior to making that call. Guest 6492 :: I also have records that show the girlfriend's prior acts which were supressed by the district attorney during pre- trial motions. These records prove a pattern of behavior that was crucial to my fiance's defense and neither the judge or his public pretender objected. Can anyone point me to someone who will help us? I have very little money and can't afford a high priced attorney. Please help. You may e- mail me at eith any info. Thank you and god bless. Saturday, 15 September 2007poop :: poop Monday, 17 December 2007gtvjlfo :: ktRKQFCcutiQvuftgko Tuesday, 04 March 2008ulpanmmtp :: pcemoqCUm Sunday, 18 May 2008gydtovcchl :: TfYzJsYujQS |
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
Guest 3322 ::
Guest 3322 ::
Guest 3322 ::
Guest 1913 ::
Sunday, 28 January 2007
Guest 7750 ::
Ray Peters ::
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Guest 1173 ::
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Guest 1173 ::
Guest 1173 ::
Guest 1173 ::
Guest 2145 ::
Guest 2145 ::
Guest 2145 ::
Guest 2009 ::
Saturday, 24 March 2007
Guest 2562 ::
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Guest 4107 ::
Guest 4107 ::
WTC ::
Guest 1249 ::
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Guest 1668 ::
Sunday, 01 April 2007
Guest 5111 ::
Guest 5111 ::
Guest 5111 ::
Guest 5111 ::
Guest 5111 ::
Guest 5111 ::
Guest 1479 ::
Guest 1479 ::
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Guest 1575 ::
Guest 1575 ::
Guest 1575 ::
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Guest 1604 ::
Sunday, 06 May 2007
Guest 1364 ::
Monday, 07 May 2007
Guest 1554 ::
Guest 1811 ::
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Guest 1657 ::
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Guest 7456 ::
Guest 7456 ::
Guest 7456 ::
Guest 7456 ::
Guest 7456 ::
Friday, 17 August 2007
Guest 1954 ::
Guest 6492 ::
Guest 6492 ::
Guest 6492 ::
Saturday, 15 September 2007
poop ::
Monday, 17 December 2007
gtvjlfo ::
Tuesday, 04 March 2008
ulpanmmtp ::
Sunday, 18 May 2008
gydtovcchl ::